Aug 16, 2010

Last day at Weipa

Up early and off for a cycle tour around the town. I did about 30 kms looking around.

There are some really nice homes in Weipa like you would find in most towns. All the homes are not all that old with the oldest probably built in the late 1960s. Plenty of lawns due to the free water. There is a very shallow aquifer that allows water to be lifted by usung a spear point pump system. Spear point pump can suck water from 7m down. It is used on the coast or near river in sand,the sand filters the water. The aquifer is always recharged during the wet season

There is a lake, an original mine site, that was low enough that the shallow water aquifer started filling the area up. It is fresh water and apparently rises and falls according to the amount of water in the system. 

There are a lot of African Mahogony trees around as they have been found to be the most successful tree to ue for rehabilitating the mined areas.

Later in the morning, I went for a drive to see the lake and followed some tracks around to end up coming out near the BP service station where I refuelled at $1.59 cents per litre compared to $1.95 at Seisia last fill.

Then back to the campground for a coffee and a read. I did some washing which dries in about an hour, even denim shorts. So I am up to date there.

I decided that I would have the campground Sunday special which is fish cooked by the Fising Lodge Chef. It was really nice with chips and coleslaw. I ate it watching the sunset and washed it all down with some red wine.

That was the last day in Weipa.

1 comment:

Catherine Anne Neil said...

This looks tough. Think I will stay on board "Silver Gull". Hope to sail that far one day. Go Mazada!

Glad you are up to date with washing.We are not, but heading to a "Peppers" resort at Long Island. They say the washing is free there. I'll test it out.