Jul 12, 2010

Around Mackay

Today has turned out a lovely warm day up to about 24 degrees which is really pleasant. The morning started a bit cloudy but soon cleared up. Just as well as I had washing on the line and it was dry by 3 pm.
After breakfast, Angie and Drew took me for a drive around the Mackay area. We did a walk through a nature park first. While there we saw so many butterflies. I have not seen them in such numbers for a very long time.

Then we went for a drive along the coast a bit and to a look out where the ships and islands can be seen. There are many ships waiting to load out to sea. 

As we travelled around we visited the Mackay Marina Village where we discovered the Young Endeavour tied up. It was behind the security fence so we were unable to get too close. This is a beautiful vessel that is well used.

Soon after we drove towards Sarina then turned in to the coast. We visited the viewing area above Dalrymple Bay and Hay Point coal loaders. From this site the loaders look so small but after we drove down beside them, they are massive. It is apparently one of the biggest and most efficient coal ports in the world. It is amazing to see the 4 ships tied up and loading with about 30 waiting off shore. Angie and Drew work in mines that supply some of the coal that goes through this port and to hear their stories of the size of the machinery used to get it out of the ground.

It was about late lunch time by now so into town for a nice lunch. Soon after it was back to Angie and Drew’s home to collect my washing from the line. It had dried well in the sun and wind.

After a while it seemed it was time for dinner so we went to the Marina for a nice easy dinner. Said farewell to Angie as she has to go to work early in the morning and Drew later in the day, so I will move on to Airlie Beach for 2 days. It has been really nice catching up with this couple.


Julia kelly said...

Hi Duncan,
Hope you enjoy Airlie, we rode from there to Proserpine on our last visit there 10 years ago just before I drove into a carport with the bikes on the roof, oops......
I've set up a blog and will email you the url.
Hope you're feeling better

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great holiday Dunc you are going to have to show us how to do the Blog thing one day as it is good to keep up with you as you travel around (we are going to Perth for Christmas this year). Haven't found a KK yet, what are some of the things you have found re: KKs and the different models etc. Have you checked out if people like the latest model Kitchen in the Kampers. Has the wet weather been a problem for you?
Hope all is well and your travelling OK. Has the Bravo fallin in half again?
Cheers Kel